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Author michael.foord
Recipients ezio.melotti, michael.foord, pitrou, serhiy.storchaka, xwild
Date 2014-01-16.10:43:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Having __debug__ True by default is unintuitive and not particularly useful. However it is relatively well known, so although it is "rarely" used that probably only means hundreds of thousands of piece of code. So it isn't going to change I'm afraid.
Date User Action Args
2014-01-16 10:43:13michael.foordsetrecipients: + michael.foord, pitrou, ezio.melotti, serhiy.storchaka, xwild
2014-01-16 10:43:13michael.foordsetmessageid: <>
2014-01-16 10:43:13michael.foordlinkissue20277 messages
2014-01-16 10:43:13michael.foordcreate