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Author gvanrossum
Recipients gvanrossum, pitrou, vstinner, yselivanov
Date 2014-01-15.23:03:24
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I have definitely used this log message.  It typically tells me that something is responding too slow.

Regarding the microbench, please count and report how many times it actually calls select().
Date User Action Args
2014-01-15 23:03:24gvanrossumsetrecipients: + gvanrossum, pitrou, vstinner, yselivanov
2014-01-15 23:03:24gvanrossumsetmessageid: <>
2014-01-15 23:03:24gvanrossumlinkissue20275 messages
2014-01-15 23:03:24gvanrossumcreate