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Author nedbat
Recipients nedbat
Date 2013-12-08.16:46:54
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When I make a namedtuple, I get automatic docstrings that use a lot of words to say very little.  Sphinx autodoc produces this:

class Key

    Key(scope, user_id, block_scope_id, field_name)


        Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.


        Return a nicely formatted representation string

    block_scope_id None

        Alias for field number 2

    field_name None

        Alias for field number 3

    scope None

        Alias for field number 0

    user_id None

        Alias for field number 1
The individual property docstrings offer no new information over the summary at the top.   I'd like namedtuple to be not so verbose where it has no useful information to offer.  The one-line summary is all the information namedtuple has, so that is all it should include in the docstring:

class Key

    Key(scope, user_id, block_scope_id, field_name)
Date User Action Args
2013-12-08 16:46:54nedbatsetrecipients: + nedbat
2013-12-08 16:46:54nedbatsetmessageid: <>
2013-12-08 16:46:54nedbatlinkissue19931 messages
2013-12-08 16:46:54nedbatcreate