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Author vajrasky
Recipients docs@python, vajrasky, vstinner
Date 2013-11-25.04:41:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
>>> import _tracemalloc
>>> _tracemalloc._get_object_traceback.__doc__
'get_object_traceback(obj)\n\nGet the traceback where the Python object obj was allocated.\nReturn a tuple of (filename: str, lineno: int) tuples.\n\nReturn None if the tracemalloc module is disabled or did not\ntrace the allocation of the object.'
>>> _tracemalloc._get_traces.__doc__
'get_traces() -> list\n\nGet traces of all memory blocks allocated by Python.\nReturn a list of (size: int, traceback: tuple) tuples.\ntraceback is a tuple of (filename: str, lineno: int) tuples.\n\nReturn an empty list if the tracemalloc module is disabled.'
Date User Action Args
2013-11-25 04:41:18vajraskysetrecipients: + vajrasky, vstinner, docs@python
2013-11-25 04:41:18vajraskysetmessageid: <>
2013-11-25 04:41:17vajraskylinkissue19762 messages
2013-11-25 04:41:17vajraskycreate