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Author zach.ware
Recipients brian.curtin, christian.heimes, docs@python, ezio.melotti, loewis, python-dev, r.david.murray, tim.golden, vajrasky, zach.ware
Date 2013-11-04.03:58:45
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Thanks for the lesson, Vajrasky and David, and thank you for the review Brian.

The final commit did have a couple changes not in the posted patch, just fixes of the same two obvious typos in both branches (avalible -> available, lniked -> linked).
Date User Action Args
2013-11-04 03:58:45zach.waresetrecipients: + zach.ware, loewis, christian.heimes, tim.golden, ezio.melotti, r.david.murray, brian.curtin, docs@python, python-dev, vajrasky
2013-11-04 03:58:45zach.waresetmessageid: <>
2013-11-04 03:58:45zach.warelinkissue19391 messages
2013-11-04 03:58:45zach.warecreate