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Author eli.bendersky
Recipients eli.bendersky, ezio.melotti, loewis, pitrou
Date 2013-09-27.17:00:25
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The problem in this case is different, actually. It's the comparison:

        if o_time <= i_time:
            # generated file is older, touch
            need_touch = True

In check_rule. The script is pretty quick so when it touches both Python-ast.h and .c they get the same stat time exactly. In the next run, then, this comparison succeeds and .c is touched again.

I'm not sure what's the right way to go about this? Changing the comparison to < may theoretically miss cases in which the input was updated an epsilon after it auto-generated its output, and the change will go unnoticed. A different solution would be to introduce a micro-wait between each 'touch' to make sure that transitive dependencies don't need to be revisited in the future.
Date User Action Args
2013-09-27 17:00:26eli.benderskysetrecipients: + eli.bendersky, loewis, pitrou, ezio.melotti
2013-09-27 17:00:26eli.benderskysetmessageid: <>
2013-09-27 17:00:26eli.benderskylinkissue19106 messages
2013-09-27 17:00:25eli.benderskycreate