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Author paul.j3
Recipients matej.tyc, paul.j3
Date 2013-07-17.03:17:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I think this example illustrates your issue:

    class FooAction(argparse.Action):
        def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, 
            option_string = None):
            if values=='Q':
                setattr(namespace, self.dest, 
                    {'type':values, 'quick':True, 'slow':False})
                setattr(namespace, self.dest, 
                    {'type':values, 'quick':False, 'slow':True})

    def bar(string):
        return string.upper()[0]

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-a','--algorithm', choices=['Q','S'],
        default='s', action=FooAction, type=bar)
    parser.add_argument('foo', choices=['Q','S'],
        default='s', action=FooAction, nargs='?', type=bar)
    # Namespace(algorithm='S',
    #           foo={'slow': True, 'type': 'S', 'quick': False})

For both the optional and positional, the lower case default is converted into an upper case letter.

For the positional with nargs='?', the action is called with the converted default value.

But for the optional, the converted default is assigned to the dest
but action is not called, which would have assigned
   algorithm={'type': 'S', 'quick': False, 'slow': True}

That is consistent with what I remember from the code.  A next function 'take_action' is called only if there is an appropriate argument string.  For this optional that would be '-a' (or the likes).  For the '?' positional and empty argument list enough.

There is a relatively recent change that delayed when a default was converted by type (so a filetype wouldn't be opened unnecessarily).  But I can't think anyway that the action would be invoked on the default in the absence of '-a'.

In this example, would it be possible shift code from the custom action to the custom type?
Date User Action Args
2013-07-17 03:17:51paul.j3setrecipients: + paul.j3, matej.tyc
2013-07-17 03:17:51paul.j3setmessageid: <>
2013-07-17 03:17:51paul.j3linkissue18467 messages
2013-07-17 03:17:50paul.j3create