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Author py.user
Recipients akuchling, docs@python, py.user, r.david.murray, rhettinger
Date 2013-06-21.17:31:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
[guest@localhost cpython]$ ./python
Python 3.4.0a0 (default, Jun 22 2013, 04:24:17) 
[GCC 4.7.2 20121109 (Red Hat 4.7.2-8)] on linux
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>>> import itertools
>>> print(range.__doc__, slice.__doc__, itertools.islice.__doc__, sep='\n***\n')     
range(stop) -> range object
range(start, stop[, step]) -> range object

Returns a virtual sequence of numbers from start to stop by step.
slice(start, stop[, step])

Create a slice object.  This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).
islice(iterable, [start,] stop [, step]) --> islice object

Return an iterator whose next() method returns selected values from an
iterable.  If start is specified, will skip all preceding elements;
otherwise, start defaults to zero.  Step defaults to one.  If
specified as another value, step determines how many values are 
skipped between successive calls.  Works like a slice() on a list
but returns an iterator.

I have updated the patch
Date User Action Args
2013-06-21 17:31:33py.usersetrecipients: + py.user, akuchling, rhettinger, r.david.murray, docs@python
2013-06-21 17:31:33py.usersetmessageid: <>
2013-06-21 17:31:33py.userlinkissue18220 messages
2013-06-21 17:31:33py.usercreate