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Author alexandre.vassalotti
Recipients alexandre.vassalotti, barry, benjamin.peterson, eddiewrc, vstinner
Date 2013-05-03.00:51:42
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
If you are pickling large objects, you're likely hitting issue #11872. We fixed most 64-bit issues in Python 3, so upgrading might be solution if possible.

Since the particular bug you are hitting cannot be reproduced with your test case, I am closing this issue. Feel free to reopen if you come up with a reproducible test case.
Date User Action Args
2013-05-03 00:51:43alexandre.vassalottisetrecipients: + alexandre.vassalotti, barry, vstinner, benjamin.peterson, eddiewrc
2013-05-03 00:51:43alexandre.vassalottisetmessageid: <>
2013-05-03 00:51:43alexandre.vassalottilinkissue17565 messages
2013-05-03 00:51:42alexandre.vassalotticreate