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Author novas0x2a
Recipients novas0x2a, vinay.sajip
Date 2013-04-22.02:45:27
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I've tested in our full dev setup, and it seems to work fine; I've also tested on my laptop, no problems there either.

Unfortunately, that's python 2.7.4 in both cases. I don't really have a python3 setup I can bump up to test.
Date User Action Args
2013-04-22 02:45:27novas0x2asetrecipients: + novas0x2a, vinay.sajip
2013-04-22 02:45:27novas0x2asetmessageid: <>
2013-04-22 02:45:27novas0x2alinkissue17795 messages
2013-04-22 02:45:27novas0x2acreate