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Author tkf
Recipients docs@python, tkf
Date 2013-04-20.21:44:08
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Document mentions AsyncResult but there is no such class.

You can check it by simply running:
python -c 'from multiprocessing.pool import AsyncResult'

I think it means ApplyResult so I made a patch (attached).

Note that there also uses name 'AsyncResult':
% hg grep AsyncResult
Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst:83232:.. class:: AsyncResult
Lib/multiprocessing/    'apply_async': 'AsyncResult',
Lib/multiprocessing/    'map_async': 'AsyncResult',
Lib/multiprocessing/    'starmap_async': 'AsyncResult',
Lib/multiprocessing/'AsyncResult', create_method=False)

Probably renaming them would be better?
Date User Action Args
2013-04-20 21:44:09tkfsetrecipients: + tkf, docs@python
2013-04-20 21:44:09tkfsetmessageid: <>
2013-04-20 21:44:09tkflinkissue17805 messages
2013-04-20 21:44:09tkfcreate