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Author bobjalex
Recipients bobjalex
Date 2013-03-26.17:26:43
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Attempting to use os.path.exists on a Windows drive that is a mobile device mount point with nothing mounted pops up a dialog asking to insert a device. This makes it impossible to search a set of drives for a specific file without the possibility of unnecessary user interaction -- for example looking for the drive that has a specific flash drive inserted.

This behavior is likely related to bug 9035 regarding "os.path.ismount" behavior on Windows.

The more correct behavior (IMO) would be to quietly return exists=False for drives with nothing mounted. In fact, I tried the same operation with Java and Ruby programs, and both simply return false with no popup.
Date User Action Args
2013-03-26 17:26:44bobjalexsetrecipients: + bobjalex
2013-03-26 17:26:44bobjalexsetmessageid: <>
2013-03-26 17:26:44bobjalexlinkissue17551 messages
2013-03-26 17:26:43bobjalexcreate