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Author vstinner
Recipients r.david.murray, vstinner
Date 2013-03-22.01:24:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Here is a concrete patch.

> Your "dead code" looks like multiline comments (at least it is
> in the email case).  I thought those were optimized away when
> the pyc is written.

Oh, it looks like you are right: useless strings are already removed during compilation. But it looks a little bit surprising to me to use a multiline string for a comment. I prefer classic # comments.

> What is "almost dead code"?  If it is the stuff that is only
> applicable to a given platform, then presumably it is needed
> for that platform and why it it worth mentioning?

It's just for information, just ignore these "warnings" :-)
Date User Action Args
2013-03-22 01:24:29vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, r.david.murray
2013-03-22 01:24:28vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2013-03-22 01:24:28vstinnerlinkissue17516 messages
2013-03-22 01:24:28vstinnercreate