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Author orsenthil
Recipients Erik.Günther, asvetlov, orsenthil
Date 2012-12-31.22:38:12
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Looks an invalid bug to me as well. request is a socket.socket object and has shutdown method taking a single argument. 
The error pasted in the report leads me to believe if the shutdown_request call is not thread-safe and it is ending up called shutdown method in the module instead of the proper shutdown method of the request object.
Date User Action Args
2012-12-31 22:38:12orsenthilsetrecipients: + orsenthil, asvetlov, Erik.Günther
2012-12-31 22:38:12orsenthilsetmessageid: <>
2012-12-31 22:38:12orsenthillinkissue16434 messages
2012-12-31 22:38:12orsenthilcreate