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Author hynek
Recipients alexkon, asvetlov, benjamin.peterson, docs@python, hynek, pitrou, stutzbach
Date 2012-12-27.09:48:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I agree that standardize behavior here would be useful. But it sounds like a candidate for 3.4. Unifying/changing it for existing releases appears rather hairy to me?
Date User Action Args
2012-12-27 09:48:01hyneksetrecipients: + hynek, pitrou, benjamin.peterson, stutzbach, asvetlov, docs@python, alexkon
2012-12-27 09:48:01hyneksetmessageid: <>
2012-12-27 09:48:01hyneklinkissue15840 messages
2012-12-27 09:48:01hynekcreate