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Author jwfang
Recipients jwfang
Date 2012-10-10.13:47:04
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In [112]: def test_ws(s):
   .....:     sl = shlex.shlex(s)
   .....:     sl.whitespace = "|"
   .....:     sl.whitespace_split = True
   .....:     print list(sl)

In [114]: test_ws("h w")   # works fine
['h w']

In [115]: test_ws("'h' w")  # i expected ["'h' w"] here, but why?
["'h'", ' w']
Date User Action Args
2012-10-10 13:47:04jwfangsetrecipients: + jwfang
2012-10-10 13:47:04jwfangsetmessageid: <>
2012-10-10 13:47:04jwfanglinkissue16186 messages
2012-10-10 13:47:04jwfangcreate