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Author asvetlov
Recipients asvetlov, chris.jerdonek, pitrou
Date 2012-08-13.19:55:45
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I like to accept both str and bytes if universal_newlines is False and raise explicit exception for bytes if universal_newlines is True.

Looks like universal_newlines for bytes doesn't make sense, also we prefer to use str everywhere. Bytes should be used if it is really byte-stream or if unicode cannot be passed by some limitations of underlying OS etc.

There are couple dark corners:
1. What to do if stdin doesn't have `encoding` attribute? Convert to bytes using filesystemencoding? Raise explicit exception? Adding `encode` parameter for .communicate doesn't looks elegant.
2. How .communicate works on Windows? I see completely different implementation of this method for win32.

I need some time to investigate before publish proposal to python-dev list.
Date User Action Args
2012-08-13 19:55:46asvetlovsetrecipients: + asvetlov, pitrou, chris.jerdonek
2012-08-13 19:55:46asvetlovsetmessageid: <>
2012-08-13 19:55:45asvetlovlinkissue15592 messages
2012-08-13 19:55:45asvetlovcreate