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Author asvetlov
Recipients anton.barkovsky, asvetlov, docs@python, tshepang
Date 2012-08-08.18:34:49
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Please update your patches:
1. use attribute:: 
2. point base class for exception if it is not Exception
3. enumerate all attributes (`cmd` for CalledProcessError)


.. exception:: HTTPError

   Though being an exception (a subclass of :exc:`URLError`), an :exc:`HTTPError`
   can also function as a non-exceptional file-like return value (the same thing
   that :func:`urlopen` returns).  This is useful when handling exotic HTTP
   errors, such as requests for authentication.

   .. attribute:: code

      An HTTP status code as defined in `RFC 2616 <>`_.
      This numeric value corresponds to a value found in the dictionary of
      codes as found in :attr:`BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses`.

Also please fill Contributor Agreement:
Date User Action Args
2012-08-08 18:34:51asvetlovsetrecipients: + asvetlov, docs@python, tshepang, anton.barkovsky
2012-08-08 18:34:51asvetlovsetmessageid: <>
2012-08-08 18:34:50asvetlovlinkissue15501 messages
2012-08-08 18:34:49asvetlovcreate