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Author ghaering
Recipients CharlieX, docs@python, ghaering, tshepang
Date 2012-07-27.19:32:29
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
SQLite's columns aren't typed, only SQLite values are. So it's entirely possible for the same column to have different types, like the NULL type, the INTEGER type and the TEXT type.

It's thus impossible to give meaningful type information in a SQLite3 DB-API module. That's why it's set to None instead.
Date User Action Args
2012-07-27 19:32:30ghaeringsetrecipients: + ghaering, docs@python, tshepang, CharlieX
2012-07-27 19:32:30ghaeringsetmessageid: <>
2012-07-27 19:32:30ghaeringlinkissue15460 messages
2012-07-27 19:32:29ghaeringcreate