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Author josiahcarlson
Date 2007-01-06.23:02:31
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
While the default .close() method is called inside .handle_close(), not calling .handle_close() in asyncore prevents any subclassed .handle_close() behavior to be run.

Say, for example, that a user has written a subclass where within .handle_connect() the socket is registered somewhere (perhaps for I/O statistics in an FTP or Bittorrent application).  Where it would make sense to place the unregistration code is within a .handle_close() method, which is bypassed by the standard .handle_error() code.

I suggest switching to the self.handle_close() call at the end of handle_error() .  Doing so preserves the passing of the test suite on release 2.5 on Windows.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:14:13adminlinkissue760475 messages
2007-08-23 14:14:13admincreate