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Author dghjfrdj
Recipients asvetlov, dghjfrdj, gpolo, mark
Date 2012-07-11.12:13:47
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I don't agree with this comment.

1) The 'detail' field also contains a string, one of the following: "NotifyAncestor", "NotifyNonlinearVirtual",...

2) When an event is received, the 'detail' and 'user_data' fields are de facto mixed up. Indeed, the "%d" field contains "the detail or user_data field from the event".

This information comes form the documentation I cited, :

* The "%d" field contains "the detail or user_data field from the event".
* They are both strings:
* "the %d is replaced by a string identifying the detail"
* "For virtual events, the string will be whatever value is stored in the user_data field when the event was created (typically with event generate), or the empty string if the field is NULL"

From the document cited in msg165234 (, my understanding is:

* For virtual events, the "data" string parameter given to "event generate" will be stored in the "user_data field" for the event. This string will then be available from the event through the "%d" substitution.

* For events "Enter", "Leave", "FocusIn" and "FocusOut", the "detail" field will store a string among "NotifyAncestor", etc. This string will then be available from the event through the "%d" substitution.

So, from the point of view of the guy who receives the event, the "%d" field can EITHER be a "detail" string like "NotifyAncestor" if event was "Enter"/"Leave"/"FocusIn"/"FocusOut" OR a "user_data" string in the case of a virtual event. It seems sensible that the Python interface provides both names. As a consequence, I think the patch should read:

+                # value passed to the data option is not a widget, take it
+                # as the detail field
+       = None
+                e.detail = d
+                e.user_data = d

I hope I understood the doc correctly.
Date User Action Args
2012-07-11 12:13:48dghjfrdjsetrecipients: + dghjfrdj, mark, gpolo, asvetlov
2012-07-11 12:13:48dghjfrdjsetmessageid: <>
2012-07-11 12:13:48dghjfrdjlinkissue3405 messages
2012-07-11 12:13:47dghjfrdjcreate