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Author skrah
Recipients dmalcolm, eric.snow, pitrou, sbrunthaler, skrah
Date 2012-05-08.22:00:12
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> > Modules/_decimal/tests/
> > --------------------------------
> >
> > Not much change for floats and, 8-10% slowdown for _decimal!
> This result is not unexpected, as I have no inline cached versions of
> functions using this module. The derivatives I generate work for Long,
> Float and Complex numbers (plus Unicode strings and some others.)

But I couldn't detect a speedup for either float or int in Also,
in I'm consistently getting slower results for float with the patch.

> there is a clear need, of course I can look into that and add these
> derivatives (as I said, there are still some 40+ opcodes unused.)

I'd say that the minimum requirement for a performance enhancement
patch is that there aren't any slowdowns. :)

I'm getting a 9% speedup for mandelbrot and an 18% speedup for spectralnorm.
That's nice, but many benchmarks that Antoine and I have posted show
slowdowns of 15-18%.
Date User Action Args
2012-05-08 22:00:14skrahsetrecipients: + skrah, pitrou, dmalcolm, eric.snow, sbrunthaler
2012-05-08 22:00:12skrahlinkissue14757 messages
2012-05-08 22:00:12skrahcreate