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Author rfs
Recipients brian.curtin, rfs, tim.golden, vstinner
Date 2012-04-18.14:44:46
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Yes, ok, my sincere apologies, I should've tested more thoroughly before filing a report here. It seems to be a Windows problem. I could replicate the issue using a batch script (and Python 3.2 for that matter). I'm still in the dark about what it causes, but here's a more detailed problem description for those interested.
Date User Action Args
2012-04-18 14:44:47rfssetrecipients: + rfs, vstinner, tim.golden, brian.curtin
2012-04-18 14:44:47rfssetmessageid: <>
2012-04-18 14:44:46rfslinkissue14606 messages
2012-04-18 14:44:46rfscreate