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Author eric.araujo
Recipients eric.araujo, mcjeff, orsenthil
Date 2012-03-13.14:29:55
SpamBayes Score 2.449092e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Thanks for the patch.
-   This function returns a file-like object with two additional methods from
+   This function returns a file-like object that supports the Context Manager 
+   protocol, with two additional methods from

The capitalization seems unneeded to me.  Also, in my opinion saying “file-like” implies support for the context manager protocol, even if not all file-likes do, and anyway not all users share my assumption.  What do you think about this wording:

    This function returns a file-like object that works as a :term:`context manager`
    and has two additional methods from the :mod:`urllib.response` module

The term role creates a link to the glossary.  (BTW the entry for context manager could be improved to give open as example; I’ll do that.)

+It is also possible to achieve the same result using a context manager
+approach. ::

I would rather use with statements everywhere, or if it makes sense to have examples both with and without with, to put the example with with first.
Date User Action Args
2012-03-13 14:29:57eric.araujosetrecipients: + eric.araujo, orsenthil, mcjeff
2012-03-13 14:29:56eric.araujosetmessageid: <>
2012-03-13 14:29:55eric.araujolinkissue12365 messages
2012-03-13 14:29:55eric.araujocreate