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Author eric.araujo
Recipients eric.araujo, ncoghlan, pitrou, sbt
Date 2012-02-25.07:22:56
SpamBayes Score 0.010790296
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
IIUC returning True is not incorrect, only useless.  In the stdlib I usually see “with lock:”.  Can you tell what is the use case for accessing the condition object inside the context block?  Does it apply only to Condition or also to *Lock and Semaphore?
Date User Action Args
2012-02-25 07:22:57eric.araujosetrecipients: + eric.araujo, ncoghlan, pitrou, sbt
2012-02-25 07:22:57eric.araujosetmessageid: <>
2012-02-25 07:22:57eric.araujolinkissue14116 messages
2012-02-25 07:22:56eric.araujocreate