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Author aoi.leslie
Recipients aoi.leslie
Date 2011-12-02.09:11:08
SpamBayes Score 5.934253e-12
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
When use tkinter Widget class's rowconfigure or columnconfigure function (The two functions are defined in baseclass Misc.) to get the setting for a row or column (The setting is a dict containing fields 'minsize', 'pad', 'weight', and 'uniform'.), if field value of 'minsize', 'pad', or 'weight' is a positive integer instead of None, then error |TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable| is raised. Field value of 'uniform' does not matter.

File |tkinter.__init__|, function |_grid_configure|, line 1279, code |elif '.' in value| caused this error. The code assumes the value is a str, but the value can be int.

Suggested Fix:
Change the code block around line 1279 to handle int value as well.
Date User Action Args
2011-12-02 09:11:11aoi.lesliesetrecipients: + aoi.leslie
2011-12-02 09:11:11aoi.lesliesetmessageid: <>
2011-12-02 09:11:10aoi.leslielinkissue13519 messages
2011-12-02 09:11:09aoi.lesliecreate