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Author eli.collins
Recipients alexis, eli.collins, eric.araujo, tarek
Date 2011-11-25.19:22:59
SpamBayes Score 1.4679118e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The second patchset (9170231ebf14.diff) should implement all the changes you suggested in your second review (dated 2011-09-05).


The only non-addressed item in your second review was a request for clarification on a potential error I noticed (and described somewhat poorly). On later examination, I realized I was mistaken, so didn't want to trouble anyone further with it. 

(If you want details... I noticed that if a line ends with ";;", _pop_values() will call interpret() with an empty string. I initially though that would cause an error, but later realized it just means interpret() would return False, causing the line to be ignored, which is probably fine for that border case - especially since packaging.metadata has the same behavior for lines ending with ";").
Date User Action Args
2011-11-25 19:23:00eli.collinssetrecipients: + eli.collins, tarek, eric.araujo, alexis
2011-11-25 19:23:00eli.collinssetmessageid: <>
2011-11-25 19:22:59eli.collinslinkissue12424 messages
2011-11-25 19:22:59eli.collinscreate