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Author eli.bendersky
Recipients akuchling, docs@python, eli.bendersky
Date 2011-11-21.04:40:02
SpamBayes Score 1.3640617e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Michał Chałupczak reported in this docs@ list that the links to IBM developerworks articles are wrong.

From some additional observation, the code samples on the 3.x page use the external `functional` module, which was not ported to Python 3 at all.

I wonder whether it makes sense to use external modules in official Python documentation, since these are not guaranteed to be ported. This issue is a good example of this happening.

The HOWTO should be probably rewritten to use only the stdlib. The links to IBM developerworks should be, IMHO, removed, since they point to articles written in 2001 and have code samples that won't work on Python 3.x
Date User Action Args
2011-11-21 04:40:04eli.benderskysetrecipients: + eli.bendersky, akuchling, docs@python
2011-11-21 04:40:04eli.benderskysetmessageid: <>
2011-11-21 04:40:03eli.benderskylinkissue13443 messages
2011-11-21 04:40:02eli.benderskycreate