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Author dfischer
Recipients Dmitry.Beransky, dfischer, loewis, orsenthil, petri.lehtinen
Date 2011-11-06.22:51:51
SpamBayes Score 0.04400621
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
With this patch, the AbstractBasicAuthHandler (and its subclasses) performs a regex search on the amalgamated "www-authenticate" header for basic authentication. 

This fixes the case where you have an HTTP response of the form:

HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Server: HTTPd/1.0
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Secure Area"
WWW-Authenticate: SomethingElse realm="Alternative"

In the above case, AbstractBasicAuthHandler will attempt basic auth against the "Secure Area" realm.
Date User Action Args
2011-11-06 22:51:52dfischersetrecipients: + dfischer, loewis, orsenthil, petri.lehtinen, Dmitry.Beransky
2011-11-06 22:51:52dfischersetmessageid: <>
2011-11-06 22:51:52dfischerlinkissue13323 messages
2011-11-06 22:51:51dfischercreate