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Author eric.smith
Recipients anacrolix, benjamin.peterson, eric.smith, petri.lehtinen, pitrou, stutzbach
Date 2011-11-02.19:01:57
SpamBayes Score 0.00020526552
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
If I understand it correctly, this change request is to change os.fstat(obj) (and probably other functions) to call obj.fileno(), instead of the caller doing that?

If so, -1. Keep os.fstat() as a thin wrapper around fstat.
Date User Action Args
2011-11-02 19:01:58eric.smithsetrecipients: + eric.smith, pitrou, benjamin.peterson, stutzbach, anacrolix, petri.lehtinen
2011-11-02 19:01:57eric.smithsetmessageid: <>
2011-11-02 19:01:57eric.smithlinkissue13321 messages
2011-11-02 19:01:57eric.smithcreate