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Author xy.zzy
Recipients xy.zzy
Date 2011-10-05.21:08:08
SpamBayes Score 0.0015647891
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Using python's telnetlib I can connect and communicate with a device.

While the telnet session is active I can disconnect the network cable of the device.

At this point, I would expect read_until() with a timeout to throw a socket.error, EOFError or perhaps an IOError, but what I actually get is a null string.

Because I'm reading in a loop, when the cable is reconnected the device will resume communicating, and the program will continue.

My best guess ts that read_until() or perhaps everything except open() is insensitive to the loss of a connection.
Date User Action Args
2011-10-05 21:08:09xy.zzysetrecipients: + xy.zzy
2011-10-05 21:08:09xy.zzysetmessageid: <>
2011-10-05 21:08:08xy.zzylinkissue13109 messages
2011-10-05 21:08:08xy.zzycreate