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Author amorilia
Recipients amorilia, rlibiez, vstinner
Date 2011-10-03.18:57:13
SpamBayes Score 0.0089323465
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I'm the author of the application. The tool is written in pure Python, and only uses libraries from stdlib.

It would be really nice to have a simple standalone script to reproduce the crash, however I am still trying to reproduce it myself. So far no success.
Date User Action Args
2011-10-03 18:57:14amoriliasetrecipients: + amorilia, vstinner, rlibiez
2011-10-03 18:57:14amoriliasetmessageid: <>
2011-10-03 18:57:13amorilialinkissue13081 messages
2011-10-03 18:57:13amoriliacreate