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Provider Launchpad appears to be down

Author wah meng
Recipients ezio.melotti, skrah, wah meng
Date 2011-09-30.04:38:16
SpamBayes Score 1.8245582e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Mercurial clone of python? Haha I am not sure what that is. My unix also won't recognize "hg", and will ignore "import --no-commit issue-13057.diff".

I went ahead to edit configure file. Partially understanding the content of .diff file, I edited the configure and here is the difference...

I will try to rebuild now...

$ diff configure.original configure
>  #include <pthread.h>
>  +#include <stdio.h>
>   void * start_routine (void *arg) { exit (0); }
>    int

Wah Meng
Date User Action Args
2011-09-30 04:38:17wah mengsetrecipients: + wah meng, ezio.melotti, skrah
2011-09-30 04:38:16wah menglinkissue13057 messages
2011-09-30 04:38:16wah mengcreate