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Author syeberman
Recipients belopolsky, daniel.urban, docs@python, eric.araujo, georg.brandl, loewis, syeberman, zbysz
Date 2011-05-25.00:24:31
SpamBayes Score 2.3383649e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I had trouble wording that sentence.  Under Unix, Makefile is used, in which you specify "PYTHON=<path>" on the command line else the default "python" (from the PATH) is used.  Under Windows, it's make.bat, where PYTHON needs to be set in the environment else "..\pcbuild\python" is used (which ignores the PATH).  In either case, there's a high likelihood the PYTHON default will resolve to 3.3a0 for any Python developer.

building.rst doesn't mention any of this, though; README.txt does.  I wanted to keep the patch small, as I suspect this issue will be properly fixed soon, but I could create a new patch that better explains how to force that 2.x be used.
Date User Action Args
2011-05-25 00:24:33syebermansetrecipients: + syeberman, loewis, georg.brandl, belopolsky, eric.araujo, zbysz, daniel.urban, docs@python
2011-05-25 00:24:33syebermansetmessageid: <>
2011-05-25 00:24:32syebermanlinkissue10224 messages
2011-05-25 00:24:31syebermancreate