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Author tarek
Recipients pitrou, tarek
Date 2011-05-21.22:32:30
SpamBayes Score 6.037756e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
this test module looks for sysconfig.get_config_var('srcdir') which in turns uses the sys,executable path.

multiprocess seems to change it in every process, leading to the errors.

To reproduce:

./python Lib/test/ -j2 -v test_packaging

A workaround is to skip the test in case the file is not found, but we need to fix it because it boils down to sysconfig being broken in multiprocess
Date User Action Args
2011-05-21 22:32:31tareksetrecipients: + tarek, pitrou
2011-05-21 22:32:31tareksetmessageid: <>
2011-05-21 22:32:30tareklinkissue12141 messages
2011-05-21 22:32:30tarekcreate