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Author georg.brandl
Recipients carsten.klein, docs@python, georg.brandl
Date 2011-04-07.09:50:47
SpamBayes Score 0.0039290367
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This doesn't work as you show.  What you probably meant was something like this:

class InterfaceBase(type):

Interface = InterfaceBase('Interface', (), {})

class IFoo(Interface):

which you can just as well do by using normal metaclass syntax.
Date User Action Args
2011-04-07 09:50:47georg.brandlsetrecipients: + georg.brandl, docs@python, carsten.klein
2011-04-07 09:50:47georg.brandlsetmessageid: <>
2011-04-07 09:50:47georg.brandllinkissue11789 messages
2011-04-07 09:50:47georg.brandlcreate