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Author brett.cannon
Recipients barry, brett.cannon, nadeem.vawda, ncoghlan, pitrou, rosslagerwall
Date 2011-03-23.19:46:11
SpamBayes Score 9.80626e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I have attached a Python script which does what Antoine's patch does except which is expected to live in Tools/scripts. The perk of doing this in a Python script is that Windows users will be able to simply execute the script while the Makefile can be made to execute the script itself for those that prefer ``make test`` over ``./python Tools/scripts/``.

It tries to have reasonable defaults so that people who do not know what they are doing will have a rigorous test run w/o having it take too long. And the defaults can be overridden easily when people want to do that.
Date User Action Args
2011-03-23 19:46:18brett.cannonsetrecipients: + brett.cannon, barry, ncoghlan, pitrou, nadeem.vawda, rosslagerwall
2011-03-23 19:46:18brett.cannonsetmessageid: <>
2011-03-23 19:46:11brett.cannonlinkissue11651 messages
2011-03-23 19:46:11brett.cannoncreate