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Author Trundle
Recipients Trundle, michael.foord, ncoghlan, pitrou, santoso.wijaya
Date 2011-03-23.02:33:37
SpamBayes Score 4.9177384e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Another thing that can happen is that `__new__()` does return an instance of BaseException, but that the return value is not an instance of the expected class.


class MyException(OSError):
    def __new__(*args):
        return Exception()

    raise MyException
except OSError as e:
    print(isinstance(e, OSError))

That would print "False". Currently, the patch doesn't check for that, should it do so?

Also, the error message for the 2.7 patch doesn't include that old-style classes are allowed, hence the patch needs to be updated if it should go into 2.7.
Date User Action Args
2011-03-23 02:33:38Trundlesetrecipients: + Trundle, ncoghlan, pitrou, michael.foord, santoso.wijaya
2011-03-23 02:33:38Trundlesetmessageid: <>
2011-03-23 02:33:38Trundlelinkissue11627 messages
2011-03-23 02:33:38Trundlecreate