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Author pitrou
Recipients eric.araujo, jhylton, mcjeff, nadeem.vawda, orsenthil, pitrou
Date 2011-03-20.13:06:35
SpamBayes Score 0.001405588
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <1300626392.3481.6.camel@localhost.localdomain>
In-reply-to <20110320125132.GA27783@kevin>
> URLopener which is an old class from the merge of urllib and urllib2
> and it can be slowly and safely removed. If we go this line, then I
> assume it has to have a DeprecationWarning before we remove it. Should
> we or not?

Yes, we should.

> Change URLopener.retrieve also with the cleaner and modern code, but
> and add a DeprecationWarning in those.

Sounds overkill and of questionable interest.
Honestly, I don't think URLopener.retrieve() has much point anyway.
Perhaps it would have if the whole caching thing had been implemented.
Date User Action Args
2011-03-20 13:06:36pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, jhylton, orsenthil, nadeem.vawda, eric.araujo, mcjeff
2011-03-20 13:06:35pitroulinkissue10050 messages
2011-03-20 13:06:35pitroucreate