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Author mcjeff
Recipients eric.araujo, jhylton, mcjeff, nadeem.vawda, orsenthil, pitrou
Date 2011-03-18.22:57:46
SpamBayes Score 1.1026509e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Alright, attaching a patch that reworks urlretrieve to use urlopen internal to urllib.request.  

1. I dropped the local caching as it isn't turned on by default anyway (and isn't really documented).

2. Updated documentation to reflect caching changes & make urlretrieve part of the official API again.

3. Kept the urlcleanup function, but use a global list to track temporary files.  I'd be happy to change this functionality if that makes sense.

4. After moving the urlretrieve stuff out of test_urllibnet, I realized that file didn't serve much of a purpose any longer, so I just removed it. 

5. Updated NEWS.

I'd be happy to rework any of this in order to bring it up to stuff. Comments and suggestions are very much welcomed.
Date User Action Args
2011-03-18 22:57:50mcjeffsetrecipients: + mcjeff, jhylton, orsenthil, pitrou, nadeem.vawda, eric.araujo
2011-03-18 22:57:49mcjeffsetmessageid: <>
2011-03-18 22:57:49mcjefflinkissue10050 messages
2011-03-18 22:57:48mcjeffcreate