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Author pitrou
Recipients georg.brandl, loewis, pitrou
Date 2011-02-06.20:31:02
SpamBayes Score 0.0027789418
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <1297024259.3765.6.camel@localhost.localdomain>
In-reply-to <>
> > Given the recent multiple additions of "forgotten things" in the ABI,
> > wouldn't it be better to mark the ABI experimental so that things can
> > get ironed out in 3.2.1? (especially with user feedback after the
> > release)
> I don't know what would be gained in such a marking, or how the marking
> could be carried out.

No, the point of the proposal is to allow you to make further changes in
response to user feedback. I assume you can't add things anymore once
the ABI is declared "stable". Can you?
Date User Action Args
2011-02-06 20:31:04pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, loewis, georg.brandl
2011-02-06 20:31:02pitroulinkissue11134 messages
2011-02-06 20:31:02pitroucreate