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Author pitrou
Recipients Kira.Erethon, eric.smith, pitrou
Date 2011-01-19.00:53:13
SpamBayes Score 0.0037352755
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <1295398391.3668.46.camel@localhost.localdomain>
In-reply-to <>
> I'm catching all errors and exceptions and zipfile still decompresses
> it, that's what I've been trying to tell you. I don't face my original
> problem anymore, I'm catching that exception, now zipfile considers
> some passwords to be correct and throw no exception, it just
> decompresses the file (which contains junk since the password was
> wrong). That's for the second bullet of your message.

Then I suppose the file(s) inside the zip archive are not compressed,
or the compressed contents are miraculously "good" enough for the zlib
not to complain. But, really, unless you have a precise solution to
propose, that's nothing Python can do anything about.

(of course, if you have an idea about the contents of that zip file, you
can devise an application-specific algorithm for validating the
Date User Action Args
2011-01-19 00:53:20pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, eric.smith, Kira.Erethon
2011-01-19 00:53:14pitroulinkissue10876 messages
2011-01-19 00:53:13pitroucreate