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Author lukasz.langa
Recipients eric.araujo, lukasz.langa, tarek
Date 2010-12-04.16:11:01
SpamBayes Score 2.5407152e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
configparser.ConfigParser is deprecated as of 3.2 and thus standard library modules should not use that.

The migration path is trivial and should not introduce any compatibility problems whatsoever. All it needs is to switch usage of ConfigParser to SafeConfigParser.

Please find attached a patch that makes the necessary renames.

For the curious, rationale for the deprecation:
- ConfigParser forces interpolation on users, providing no way of escaping interpolation if necessary
- ConfigParser does not check types given on set() and add*() methods, which may lead to invalid internal state (which will raise exceptions when trying to write() configuration or get() values from it)
- until recently configparser's unit tests assumed no instance customization. ConfigParser's error handling is broken when optionxform is overriden
Date User Action Args
2010-12-04 16:11:06lukasz.langasetrecipients: + lukasz.langa, tarek, eric.araujo
2010-12-04 16:11:06lukasz.langasetmessageid: <>
2010-12-04 16:11:01lukasz.langalinkissue10627 messages
2010-12-04 16:11:01lukasz.langacreate