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Author hfuru
Recipients hfuru
Date 2010-10-12.11:24:19
SpamBayes Score 2.4232118e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
It would be nice with some official way to tell 2to3, "Leave
this code chunk alone.  This is 2.* code, that is 3.* code":

try:                      # Python 2.6
    from urlparse         import urlparse, urlunparse
except ImportError:       # Python 3
    from urllib.parse     import urlparse, urlunparse

Could 2to3 without -p notice more cases of print(single argument),
to avoid slapping another () around them?  For example:

print(", ".join(dir))
Date User Action Args
2010-10-12 11:24:21hfurusetrecipients: + hfuru
2010-10-12 11:24:21hfurusetmessageid: <>
2010-10-12 11:24:20hfurulinkissue10070 messages
2010-10-12 11:24:19hfurucreate