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Author janglin
Recipients effbot, flox, janglin, loewis, pitrou
Date 2010-09-24.02:00:30
SpamBayes Score 4.2448763e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
issue9783.diff provides a patch that will compile clean on 32 and 64 bit Windows systems.  I tried to avoid explicit casts where I could, but it was not always possible. I have ported a lot of my company's code to 64 bit (all Windows based).  In my experience many warnings are because of programmers using the int type in places where a size_t may be more appropriate. Most of the warnings here are due to mixing int and Py_ssize_t types.
Date User Action Args
2010-09-24 02:00:34janglinsetrecipients: + janglin, loewis, effbot, pitrou, flox
2010-09-24 02:00:33janglinsetmessageid: <>
2010-09-24 02:00:32janglinlinkissue9783 messages
2010-09-24 02:00:31janglincreate