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Author BreamoreBoy
Recipients BreamoreBoy, amaury.forgeotdarc, christian.heimes, mattbaas, theller
Date 2010-09-21.21:58:51
SpamBayes Score 5.5238914e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Please ensure tha I'm taken off of the email list as I've been banned from 
contributing to Python by Raymond Hettinger

From: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <>
Sent: Tue, 21 September, 2010 18:56:51
Subject: [issue1962] ctypes feature request: Automatic type conversion of input 
arguments to C functions

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <> added the comment:

I don't think this should happen by default.
but what the user wants is already possible, by using the from_param() method.  
For example, the AutoStrParam type converts everything to a string (and a 

from ctypes import *

class AutoStrParam(c_char_p):
    def from_param(cls, value):
        return str(value)

strlen = cdll.LoadLibrary('msvcrt').strlen
strlen.argtypes = [AutoStrParam]

print strlen(None)     # "None"          ->  4
print strlen(type)     # "<type 'type'>" -> 13

nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc

Python tracker <>
File name Uploaded
unnamed BreamoreBoy, 2010-09-21.21:58:50
Date User Action Args
2010-09-21 22:24:46amaury.forgeotdarcunlinkissue1962 messages
2010-09-21 21:58:52BreamoreBoysetrecipients: + BreamoreBoy, theller, amaury.forgeotdarc, christian.heimes, mattbaas
2010-09-21 21:58:51BreamoreBoylinkissue1962 messages
2010-09-21 21:58:51BreamoreBoycreate