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Author stutzbach
Recipients brian.curtin, janglin, stutzbach
Date 2010-09-08.05:27:40
SpamBayes Score 2.176179e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
As far as I can tell, _mkdir(name) is equivalent to CreateDirectoryA(name, NULL), except one uses errno and the other uses GetLastErrno.  It is definitely possible that there's something I don't know, though, and the documentation doesn't explicitly state that they're equivalent.

With regard to the mode parameter, I noticed that the implementation of os.mkdir for Windows doesn't do anything with it, which probably means we can not worry about the mode parameter here as well?

os.mkdir's implementation just calls CreateDirectory(path, NULL).  The code is in a #ifdef MS_WINDOWS in posix_mkdir() in Modules/posixmodule.c.
Date User Action Args
2010-09-08 05:27:43stutzbachsetrecipients: + stutzbach, brian.curtin, janglin
2010-09-08 05:27:43stutzbachsetmessageid: <>
2010-09-08 05:27:41stutzbachlinkissue9752 messages
2010-09-08 05:27:40stutzbachcreate