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Author lukasz.langa
Recipients fdrake, georg.brandl, lukasz.langa, michael.foord, pitrou
Date 2010-09-03.22:43:47
SpamBayes Score 1.0180353e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
On IRC Fred asked:
> Why are delimiters and comment_prefixes in the constructor signatures?

Like most configurable options, they were added to the initializer one by one (after `allow_no_value`). Only later did I notice that actually things like optionxform, _boolean_states, etc. are configurable by assignment. So this is a design decision whether one way should be preferred over the other. In a way that's unfortunate that we now have two obvious ways to do it.

I believe that keyword arguments are far better because they are more declarative, e.g.:

parser = SafeConfigParser(delimiters=(':=',),


parser = SafeConfigParser()
parser._delimiters = (':=',)
parser._comment_prefixes = ('//',)

It's the way ORMs and many other frameworks do it and it feels natural.
Date User Action Args
2010-09-03 22:43:49lukasz.langasetrecipients: + lukasz.langa, fdrake, georg.brandl, pitrou, michael.foord
2010-09-03 22:43:49lukasz.langasetmessageid: <>
2010-09-03 22:43:48lukasz.langalinkissue9421 messages
2010-09-03 22:43:47lukasz.langacreate