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Author lemburg
Recipients Arfrever, lemburg, pitrou, vstinner
Date 2010-08-19.20:40:50
SpamBayes Score 1.1649815e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
STINNER Victor wrote:
> STINNER Victor <> added the comment:
>>> Oh, I realized that PYTHONFSENCODING is ignored on Windows and Mac OS X.
>>> r84201 and r84202 fix test_sys, and r84203 fixes the documentation and
>>> Python usage (hide PYTHONFSENCODING variable in Python help on Windows
>>> and Mac OS X).
>> This has to be changed: The env var needs to be respected on all
>> platforms.
> I don't think so.
> On Mac OS X, you cannot create a file with an invalid utf-8 name. The VFS uses 
> utf-8:
> Use a different encoding will raise error for the first non-ascii filename.
> --
> About Windows, Python3 uses the wide character API of Windows, except in some 
> functions using third party libraries only providing a bytes API (eg. 
> openssl). filenames are stored as unicode, even on removable media like CD-Rom 
> or USB keys. I don't get the usecase here. Why would you like to change the 
> filesystem encoding on Windows?

Ok, point taken.

Just please make sure that on other platforms such as BSD, Solaris,
AIX, etc. that don't have this special Python support
the env vars are honored.
Date User Action Args
2010-08-19 20:40:53lemburgsetrecipients: + lemburg, pitrou, vstinner, Arfrever
2010-08-19 20:40:51lemburglinkissue8622 messages
2010-08-19 20:40:50lemburgcreate