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Author Alexandru.Moșoi
Recipients Alexandru.Moșoi
Date 2010-08-09.16:15:59
SpamBayes Score 4.6421683e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Sometimes it's useful to get the number of elements yield by an iterator. For example (if ilen is the name of the function):

def pi(n):
  return ilen(for e in xrange(n) if isprime(e))

def count_pred(pred, iterator):
  return ilen(itertools.ifilter(pred, iterator))

Two notable solutions are discussed here

1) sum(1 for e in iterator)
2) len(list(iterator))

First solution is slow, the second solution uses O(N) extra memory.

I propose the addition of a new function ilen() which is functionally equivalent to:

def ilen(iterator):
  return sum(1 for e in iterator)

This function should be different from len() because it's time complexity is O(N) (most people assume that len() takes O(1)) and it consumes the iterator.
Date User Action Args
2010-08-09 16:16:01Alexandru.Moșoisetrecipients: + Alexandru.Moșoi
2010-08-09 16:16:01Alexandru.Moșoisetmessageid: <>
2010-08-09 16:15:59Alexandru.Moșoilinkissue9547 messages
2010-08-09 16:15:59Alexandru.Moșoicreate